David Winkler - evropským trenérem roku 2015

18.11.2015 11:26

Velké pocty a ocenění se dostalo jednomu z našich předních trenérů, Davidu Winklerovi. Ten je čerstvým držitelem prestižní ceny European Baseball Coaches Association. Gratulujeme!!!

David Winkler v reakci na ocenění: "Ocenění jsem nedostal jenom já sám - nebýt týmu obětavých lidí, kteří se mnou již několik let pracují, nikdy by moje práce takových úspěchů nedosáhla. Proto chci vzpomenout zejména jejich každodenní mravenčí úsilí, díky kterému se posouváme vždy o malý kousek vpřed. Je to obrovská pocta pro český baseball a velký závazek do dalších let."

EBCA Coach of the Year 2015

(čerpáno z baseball-in-europe.com)

On the last day of the 2015 Convention in Lisbon the third EBCA Award Recipient of 2015 was announced. The result of the online-voting made a winner of David Winkler as the 2015 EBCA „Coach of the Year“. Winkler, who for years has had trenemdous results as well as developmental succes with his players, works for the Brno Baseball Academy in the Czech Republic and is the Head Coach of the CBA´s U18 National Team. With his team he finished in third place at the 2015 European U18 Championships.  And also had a great showing at the PONY (Colt) World Series, where his team finished in 4th place, which is the best European results to date.

Unfortunately Coach Winkler could not be present in Lisbon. Symbolically for him the award was presented to Andy Berglund. The former Czech Nartional Team Coach is a friend of Winkler´s and was able to deliver a personal thank you note on behalf of David Winkler.

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